Will You Stand?

God is searching for men who are unique, thoroughly saved, and filled to running over with His spirit. God and the world need men who will stand in the gap.... --Frank Carlson

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30

As time flies on by, more and more men are slipping away from church and into a life of sin! Satan has attacked us at the very foundation of our Belief. The Word of God has been attacked and is being taken out of every day life. We hear it no more in our schools. We see it no more in our courtrooms. We aren't allowed to share it on some streets anymore. How did this happen? How did a once truly Christian Nation ALLOW Satan to have a foot hold in America? Because men wouldn't stand in the gap! Men have become sissys! Men have become cowards!

It's time for men to stand up and take control of their lives back. It's time to get real about the battle before us! It is time for us to stand in the gap for our Lord and Saviour!

God has instituted the man to be the leader of the house. So men, LEAD! Single women and single parent women, take the lead in your house until God gives you a real man that will lead you in the paths of righteousness. Don't settle for Satan's Wimps! Strive for God's Warriors!