Worship renews the spirit as sleep renews the body. -Cabot

            And David and all the house of Israel played before the LORD on all manner of instruments made of fir wood, even on harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals. 2 Samuel 6:5

            Mankind has always strived to please their god in some form or fashion. Vegetables out of the garden, money from an account, or human sacrifices, they all fall short of what God calls worship. Worship is not a form of entertainment for the masses. Worship is exalting the Majesty of Our Lord.

            Sure you can use any instrument you want but notice in this scripture where it says, played—before the LORD. You see, the LORD has to be in the church before we can— play before Him. Unfortunately, God has left some churches and for some, He has never been in them at all. So, what am I saying… line your church up against the churches in the Bible and see how close you are to what the early churches were. It may surprise you how far from a church it really is.