You can rest tomorrow, for there is work to be done today!

Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. Psalm 116:7

Monday is here again. The alarm clock’s snooze button has been hit at least three times if not more. One eye is glued shut and it doesn’t want to cooperate. Your face is almost a permanent part of the pillow. You question, Do I get up or do I call in sick? Do I roll over and say, “Forget it!” Or do I get up, get ready, and go on in to work?

Child of God, we only have one answer; Just do it. No, don’t roll back over! Get up and go on in. The Lord will sustain you just like He has ever since you began to work. What He did last Monday, He can do again today. So, take that shower, put on that uniform, do your devotions, pray, eat a good breakfast, and head on in. God, may just give you someone that needs to hear the Good News today! Are you ready for it? You can rest tomorrow, for there is work to b e done today!