Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but taking God at his word. –Evans

Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. Psalm 119:90

There was a time when a man’s word meant something. If he told you he would do something for you, he did it. If he shook your hand on it, it was a binding agreement. Today, when someone says they will do something you had better follow up with; what year, what day, and what time, can I expect you. If you don’t, you may be waiting a while.

I’m glad God isn’t that way. I’m glad when God inspired the writers of His Word to pen down a promise it was as good as done! What a promise! What a hope! What a joy it is to know God is true to His Word! Hey, you have His Word on it!