The whole trouble is that we won't let God help us. -Macdonald

He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Psalm 107:29

I was listening to the local news yesterday concerning the hurricane that is upon us, the Emergency Management Director said, “In the midst of the storm, if you have an emergency, we will not be able to come rescue you.” I sit there and thought about when I was in the midst of my storm of sin, Jesus not only came to me but He made the storm be still in my heart! He rescued me from the very pits of hell! All I had to do is call out to Him and Him met my need right where I was at!

Are you in the midst of a storm of sin? Jesus can rescue you too! Call out to Him! Repent and confess your sin! He will forgive and the greatest calm that has ever taken place will come upon your soul!