The living Church, though never neat, keeps God's world from complete disaster.-Macleod
Psalm 22:22, I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
Just as there isn’t any perfect people, there isn’t a perfect church either. The church is made up of sinners saved by the grace of God attempting to bring honor and glory to the Saviour. Unfortunately, our sinful nature shows up sometimes and we have to ask for forgiveness, repenting of the sin committed. Does that keep you from worshiping the Lord?
What’s keeping you from the Saviour this morning? Has someone in the church offended you? Was it the Pastor? Was it a fellow choir member? Do yourself, your church, and your family a favor today; GET UP, GET READY, and GO TO CHURCH! Don’t just show up! Come prepared to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth!