The devil is not afraid of the Bible that has dust on it. -Anonymous

John 17:17, Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

We will end this week celebrating the birth of our Saviour. No, we don’t know for sure what day of the week He was born on but we set this day aside to celebrate His life. What’s so important about that? Well, God didn’t set Himself up as a king or military leader; He came as a lowly babe, wrapped in a manger. He came as a weak helpless babe that needed someone to take care of His needs.  

Since we are celebrating the birth of our Saviour, why not take an extra effort this week to read the Gospels through from beginning to end this week. Open up Christ’s Word beginning in Matthew and read through John reflecting one not just His birth, but His death, burial, and resurrection as well.