I rather think there is an immense shortage of Christian charity among so-called Christians. -Truman
2 Corinthians 9:7, Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Have you ever been around someone that is as stingy as a hungry baby with a bottle? When an offering plate is passed, they ask for change for a five-dollar bill. Not because they don’t have the money to put it all in but because they are just that stingy! If they can’t get change, look out because the whining will begin. I knew I should’ve gotten change before I came! I won’t be coming back here! Why don’t they have change machines in the lobby of the church?
Really folks, there are people that way. I truly hope you are not one of them. You see, God loves a cheerful giver! He loves it when we give our tithes and offerings! He loves when we give our time for the work of the Lord! He loves when we give our talents for the cause of Christ! Are you being stingy with what God has blessed you with? Are you robbing God?