The home is a preparation of life in Heaven. —Jay O’Dell

Psalm 127:1, Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

            I use to build HVAC systems for a living. On occasion we would have to install complete systems in homes that never had any duct work or anything in them. If we didn’t do our job inspecting the home it would cause huge problems for the company. It would cost me more money than I had quoted, it may cause mold and or mildew issues, or the system may not have even worked at all. In a nut shell, I would be a failure at installing systems.

            The home is set up as an earthly example of what Heaven is going to be like. This is why Satan attacks the home. He doesn’t hold anything back either friend. He hits the home with everything he has got. From the time our children are born, there is a fight for their soul.

            Before any child is born though, man ought to be preparing his home to share the Gospel with his children. Our ultimate goal for our home should be to build disciples for Jesus Christ. Anything less would be less than what God designed it for. So GET UP, GET READY and GO TO CHURCH so that you may lay a few blocks on your foundation of a godly home!