There are too many people who expect God to work by miracle what God expects people to work by muscle. –Tyson
Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Ephesians 4:28
The Nanny State mentality is one of the many things killing the American way of life. What used to be a Biblical foundation of providing for our family, friends and fellow Americans in their time of need now has become nothing more than a bunch of lazy individuals doing nothing but wanting everything—for free! This mentality has transferred over into many churches across our country and it’s killing the church. Folks come in never wanting to get involved with a church and have a mentality of, “What can your church do for me.”
You want to see the Lord work a miracle? Maybe it’s time for you to put some legs to those lips and get busy serving Him. He can take your physical work and turn them into miracles. The folks serving in the nursery so a lost mother can hear the Gospel preached is helping win her to the Lord! That's the Greatest of all Miracles! Now, GET TO WORK!