To hear truth and not accept it does not nullify truth. -Brotherhood Journal

John 8:32, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Over the past few years there has come a new cliché about information given to us; “Fake News.” I don’t know where it originated but our previous president picked it up and it became a national saying for anything anyone didn’t agree with/ It didn’t matter if it was true or not.

When talking about the Word of God, many would say it’s outdated or irrelevant. Some would even claim it is fake news. Yet, our belief in the Word does not change what it is though. Giving its Truth, remaining the same, with the potential power to change men and women for the good every day.

Have you picked up a copy of the Bible lately and read a few verses? Have you sought to see what God’s Word can do for you? Have you asked the Lord to use His Word to give you light to the way to Heaven? Don’t be misinformed by this world, your flesh, or the devil friend! God’s Word is Truth and it will set you free!