The measure of a man is not the number of his servants, but the number of people he serves. -Moody
Romans 12:1, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
There is a lot to do in a church. Mowing, sweeping, running the sound, vacuuming, finances, song leader, teaching Sunday school, kid’s clubs, social networking, prayer warriors, and a host of other things for everyone to do something. In serving in the local church, we are serving God by serving people. Not just any people, but people who want to learn, follow, and grow in God’s grace.
How are you serving in your local church? Are you a member? Do you know why there is a need for more people to serve? Do you know what Scripture says about the Pastor and what his responsibility is in the church?
Instead of thinking about what a church can do for you, ask how you can serve the Lord by serving in the church!