There is no better teacher than the Lord Himself!

Proverbs 19:20, Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.

Christian books, Bible college, nor Sunday school can do for you what the Lord can do Himself. Now don’t get me wrong, we need to read good supplemental books. We need to attend Sunday school and, if God so leads, go to a solid Bible college that actually teaches the Bible. However, let me drive home this point, the Word of God being taught by the Holy Ghost of God is superior to any book, college, or educational system that has been designed to teach us about God.

Have you heard the instruction of the Word? Are you following the instructions given? If not, why not? When will you surrender to God’s call of salvation? When will you surrender to God’s call to surrender all? If not now, why not? We are not guaranteed tomorrow so, quit putting it off! Heed to His call today and learn of Him!