

            Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it. –Syrus

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. Proverbs 12:15

            These commercials on television about where to find a good contractor are interesting. They proclaim their company is the company to go to in order to find the best plumber, HVAC, painter, etc. Funny thing is these companies have paid a heavy fee in order to get a good referral from said company. Seems a little bias to me that a company you have paid to give you a good recommendation would give you a good recommendation!

            You want a good referral? Find someone who has used the contractor you have in question. Let them tell you about their craftsmanship, their pricing, and their accountability. Someone like that has not been bought to give their opinion.

            You want to know something about Jesus? Find someone who walks with Him, talks with Him, and serves Him. They are the ones who can tell you the most about Jesus. Those are the ones who can help you get your life where it needs to be! Yes, you do need their help! The prayers they offer for you are of more help to you than you can imagine! Those prayers may be what is standing in between you and hell. Receive the help from the wise!