

As a moth gnaws a garment, so doth envy consume a man.

Psalm 37:1, Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

This world is all about some material wealth. Commercials on television, ads in magazines and on radios paint a pretty picture about every product under the sun. It creates a desire in the human mind that the merchandise the company is selling cannot be lived without. To top it off, credit card companies saturate our mailboxes with offer after offer to obtain more credit. Before you know it, you and I are slaves to those companies. Drowning in credit card debt that most likely will never be paid off. Oh, that’s okay, you can refinance your house, consolidate your debt and before you know it, you’re debt free… or so, they would like for you to believe. But most of us just go right back and play the same game over and over and over until… we are dead! Hey reader, before you take out that loan, get that credit card, or buy that car, try to be content with the things God has given you. Wait for Him to open the door before you go get anything else. If you don’t, the envy will kill you from the inside out!