Go Ye


If there be any one point in which the Christian church ought to keep its fervor at a white heat, it is concerning missions.  If there be anything about which we cannot tolerate lukewarmness, it is in the matter of sending the gospel to a dying world. –Spurgeon

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15

As a fellow church across town is in their Mission’s Conference this week, we are uplifting them in prayer. There is no greater cause than to support one another’s mission’s programs! This is the very root of what the church is about! Some will disagree and that is fine! But what I see in the Word of God, it is about Missions! First spoken of in Genesis 3:15, you don’t have to look hard to see where Jesus, the Greatest Missionary (for He was sent), is in every verse seeking out lost mankind!

Does your church support missions? If not, I would rethink about where I attend church!