

Evangelist D. L. Moody told the story of an interaction he had with his young daughter, Emma. She had been asking for a new muff to keep her hands warm in the winter, and one day her mother brought one home for her. Even though it was cold and snowing, she wanted to go out right away and try it. Moody said, “I went out with her, and I said, ‘Emma, better let me take your hand.’ She wanted to keep her hands in her muff, and so she refused to take my hand. Well, by and by she came to an icy place, her little feet slipped, and down she went.

“When I helped her up she said, ‘Papa, you may give me your little finger.’ ‘No, my daughter, just take my hand.’ ‘No, no, Papa, give me your little finger.’ Well, I gave my finger to her, and for a little way she got along nicely, but pretty soon we came to another icy place, and again she fell. This time she hurt herself a little, and she said, ‘Papa, give me your hand,’ and I gave her my hand, and closed my fingers about her wrist, and held her up so that she could not fall.” (As told by Paul Chappell)

Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth. Psalm 31:5

So often we want to live our life our way, when we do we make a mess. Take His hand and trust Him today!

How did you sleep last night?

When you have accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace; God is awake. –Hugo

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10:28

I see three benefits in this one small but powerful verse:

1. Eternal Life—Those who have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus will live forever with Him. My salvation is not by anything I have done. I was brought about by grace through faith!

2. Shall never perish—As the song says, “I’m gonna live forever, I’m gonna die no never…” I will never perish from His care! I will never perish from His love. I will never perish from His hand!

3. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand—Safe, secure in the hands of Jesus! There is no better place to be than where He can lift you up out of the cares of this world!

What is keeping you awake at night? Maybe you need to give your life to Jesus so you too can get some sleep!