

         Rest, for the Christian, should only be a temporary status.

Hebrews 4:9, There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

            In any war, you must have relief for the soldiers on the front lines. They cannot keep up the fight effectively without having some type of break to rest, regroup, regain strength to fight the next battle. That is one reason why the US Navy rotates the fleet in the Mediterranean Sea every six months.

            There is an old saying, “You must come a part, before you come apart”. Rest is good for a season but that season should not be 24/7. So, take a break Christian friend. We are in a spiritual battle that is only going to get worse. Take a break on Sundays and Wednesdays entering the sanctuary of your church. Get refueled with the Word of God and then go out and fight the good fight of faith for the glory of God!