Sit down


Beware of the bareness of a busy life.—Socrates

But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. Luke 10:42

Many people are busy. They are busy taking the kids to ball games, gymnastics, piano lessons, and to the mall. They are busy working on a new degree, working a second job from home, and working on getting the house cleaned for the pastor to come over. Some are so busy they don’t make time for the important things in life.

Christian friend, spending time with your Saviour should be paramount in your life. Spending time with your spouse comes in second. Spending time with your children slides in at third. Your church family comes gliding in at fourth and beyond that—divvy up your time the way you would like.

If you are too busy in life to spend time with your Saviour, your family, and your church family…you’re too busy. But preacher, I have to work. Do you really HAVE to? Every Sunday? Every Wednesday? Child of God, be reminded…Mary chose the good part and that was to spend time at her Saviour’s feet. Where are you spending your time at?