

            It’s the norm to social distance from the Covid19 virus, but what about sin?

2 Timothy 2:4, No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

            Up to date reports give us the latest information concerning Covid19. Where it came from, how it’s impacted the world; financially, medically, and socially has become headline news, every day. No matter where you go, it has saturated our society. It has impacted everyone in some way.

            What if… what if we were to treat sin the same way as we treat the virus? What if we were to social distance from it? What if we were to flee from it? What if we saw the dangers of it like we do that of the virus? What if we saw how sin stifles our voice, breaks our communication, and will ultimately bring about death?

            Child of God, while Covid19 is bad and it has the potential to take your life, nothing will impact you as sin does. Nothing will have the lasting affects as sin does. While the virus may take this earthly life, sin will take your life forever so, stay away from sin!