
Man what a tree…

The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Acts 5:30

As I got up this morning, I looked across my living room floor to see standing a beautiful CHRISTmas tree. With its ornaments hung in their prefect places, its lights strung so nice, and the few presents hidden within. It has been there for the last few weeks but this morning…this morning it hit me, the tree Jesus hung on for my sin was not so beautiful.

As I stood there, I was reminded of the tree Jesus hung on many years ago. It was not decorated with beautiful lights, ornaments, with presents under it. It was stained with the blood of my Saviour, pierced by the three nails that held Him to the tree, and had a sign hung at the top saying, “this is Jesus the King of the Jews.” This morning, of all mornings we need to see the reason of the season! We need to see Jesus CAME to seek and to save that which was lost. He CAME to seek and save you and I! So GET UP, GET READY, and GO WORSHIP The SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD in your home, at Grandma’s house, and at friends!