It is when you get to doubt the love of God that you grow hard and cold.  But when you are fired with the love of a dying Savior who gave himself for you, you feel as if you loved every beggar in the street, and you long to bring every harlot to Christ's dear feet.  You cannot help it.  If Christ baptizes your heart into his love, you will be covered with it and filled with it. –Spurgeon

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7

When you’re feeling you have no one to turn to remember, Jesus Cares!

When you’re think all is lost remember, Jesus Cares! When you’re down to nothing in the cupboards remember, Jesus Cares! When you are in need of a friend remember, Jesus Cares! When there is more month than the money in the bank account remember, Jesus Cares!

Hey friend, there’s no one that cares for you like Jesus does! Just remember, He gave His life for yours!