And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. Acts 5:42

Notice what it says in the verse above, “…they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” Why didn’t they teach home economics or shop class? Why not a class on business or how to balance a checkbook? They didn’t teach and preach those things because those things won’t get anyone to Heaven!

And then look where they did it at, “…in the temple, and every house.” This temple is our modern day church. It was the central place of worship. So they came to the temple to worship the Lord while begin taught and preached to. Not only did they come to the temple but they started at home! What a challenge for you and I! It’s not up to the church to teach our kids, it’s yours and mine Mom and Dad!

Lastly, look at how often they did it, “And daily…” In their homes and in the temple they met daily to worship the Lord Jesus by teaching and preaching about the death, burial, and resurrection. 

This morning, GET UP, GET READY, and TO GO TO CHURCH! But before you leave the house, will you teach and preach Jesus?