Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow. –Stevenson

Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel: 2 Timothy 2:8

Like a picture book of memories, when I view Facebook memories sometimes there is an emotional roller coaster. Some memories are awesome and then there are others I wished could be erased from the pages of history. These memories, although they hurt, are an important part of our life. The experiences where those memories come from help form who we are today.

Think of this for a moment. One story that provokes my memory is the message of the day Jesus was betrayed, beaten, bruised, hung on the Cross, pierced, died, and buried. It is not something I rejoice in talking about. However, it is the most important thing we can talk about. What I really like to talk about is what happened three days later when Jesus arose! You see, without the grave we would not have the Glorious Resurrection when Jesus defeated death, hell, and the grave for all who repent and trust Him as Saviour!

What will you be reflecting on this morning? Will it be the sad times of your past or will you see those as paths to the victories God has given you? The way your day goes may just hinge on how you see your past!