

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Psalm 42:1

Unless there are people who are responding to the love of God as revealed in Christ and so are worshipping Him, the Church is not very important. –Blake

Many people will use one excuse or another why NOT to go to church. They say it’s old fashioned, it’s irrelevant, the pastor is pushy, the pastor is dry, the pastor’s wife is stuck up, the people aren’t friendly, or the one that makes absolutely no sense at all… it’s full of hypocrites. Whatever reason you give to not go to church will expose what’s in your heart!

Here’s a better idea when it comes to your church attendance, make reasons why to go to church. How about my walk with Jesus is more important, my kid’s spiritual walk is more important, and most of all honoring my Saviour is worth more!



Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor. –Spurgeon

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 10:33

There have been some impostors to creep into the church without the church even knowing. They serve as Sunday School teachers, choir members, deacons, and some even get put into the pulpit. How can we know them? How can we discern one from another? How can we make sure an impostor isn’t teaching our kids Sunday School?

            Well you can know because their life will display the fruit of the Spirit. They will have love one toward another. They will have joy unspeakable and full of glory. They have a peace that passes understanding. They are longsuffering— patient and forgiving. They have a gentleness about them, their rough edges have been sanded away by God’s grace. Goodness—they have a desire to please God with their life. They have faith, faith in knowing He can and will take care of them. It has been said, “Meekness is a sign of weakness.” This is far from the truth. Meekness is actually strength under control. Temperance—I use to have a temper but by God’s grace my temper has been put into check.

            Notice one last thing, It doesn’t say fruits of the spirit, it says fruit. You see it’s a package deal. When you ask Jesus to save you, you get all it all! Do you have the Fruit of the Spirit or are you are impostor? Your life is on display and by your fruit—they shall know.


Many say they’re not for sale…their lifestyle says otherwise.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36

There is guest inside your home that proclaims worst vulgarity than a drunken sailor. It has told some of the dirtiest jokes, portrayed violent murders, and tells lies nonstop. You invited this guest into your home many years ago, centered your home on it, and it has become time waster number one. We have said we couldn’t live without it but yet we should cut ties of it and chunk it out the door. We would never let someone come up into our homes and speak the way it does. We would never let death be portrayed in such gruesome manner. And if our children told the lies that the TV proclaims, we would wash their mouths out with soap. And yet, we pay to have our souls impacted with such wickedness and then wonder why our kids leave the church.

Which kid will you sell in order for you to watch your favorite TV show? Is it really worth it?

Bless the Lord- Oh Bless the Lord- Bless His holy Name!

The tongue blessing God without the heart is but a tinkling cymbal; the heart blessing God without the tongue is sweet but still music; both in concert make the harmony which fills and delights heaven and earth. --R. Venning

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Psalm 103:1

We truly have so much to thank the Lord for. We do not have enough time to thank Him for all He blesses us with this side of eternity. But should that stop us from trying? One person said, “Our thankfulness should be equal to our blessings.”

When is the last time you stopped and thanked the Lord for something He has blessed you with? Today would be a great day to do just that!